Ripening Secrets: Which Fruits to Wait On.

Who doesn't love the anticipation of watching a fruit ripen to perfection? These 8 exotic fruits are worth the wait:

Mango: Slightly green mangoes can be ripened at home by placing them in a brown paper bag. A ripe mango will give slightly when gently pressed. It should have a sweet aroma.

Avocado: This versatile fruit will continue to ripen on your countertop. Gently press the avocado. If it yields slightly, it's ripe. Avoid avocados that are too hard or too soft.

Kiwi: While kiwis can be eaten when firm, they become sweeter and juicier as they ripen. A ripe kiwi will feel slightly soft to the touch.

Papaya: Unripe papayas can be left on the counter to ripen. A ripe papaya will have a slight give when pressed and a sweet aroma.

Fig: Figs are best enjoyed when ripe, so let them soften at home. Ripe figs will be soft and slightly yielding.

Banana: A classic example of a fruit that continues to ripen after purchase. The riper the banana, the more yellow spots it will have.

Persimmon: These sweet fruits can be ripened on the counter or in the refrigerator. A ripe persimmon will be soft and sweet-smelling.

Guava: Unripe guavas can be left to ripen at room temperature.

9 Fruits That Won't Ripen After You Buy Them

It's important to choose these fruits when they're ripe, as they won't continue to ripen at home:

Pineapple: Once picked, a pineapple's sweetness won't increase. Look for a golden yellow colour and a sweet aroma at the base.

Citrus fruits: Oranges, lemons, limes, and grapefruits are best enjoyed when ripe. Look for a bright colour and a heavy feel for their size.

Grapes: These fruits are typically harvested at their peak ripeness. Ripe grapes will be plump and juicy.

Cherries: Sweet and juicy when ripe, cherries won't ripen further. Ripe cherries are firm and bright in colour.

Lychee: These delicate fruits are best enjoyed when freshly picked. A ripe lychee will have a reddish-pink skin and a sweet aroma.

Star fruit: This tropical fruit is ready to eat when purchased. Look for a bright yellow colour and a firm texture.

Dragon fruit: While the flesh can soften slightly, the sweetness won't increase. The skin should be bright red or yellow, depending on the variety.

Pomegranate: These fruits are best enjoyed when ripe and juicy. A ripe pomegranate will feel heavy for its size and have a deep red colour.

Coconut: The flesh of a coconut doesn't change after harvesting. A ripe coconut will have three dark brown spots, which are the "eyes."

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