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10 Rare Exotic Fruits You'll Love.

Are you tired of the same old apples and pears in your fruit bowl? It's time to embark on a thrilling journey through the world of exotic fruits! From spiky exteriors to creamy interiors, these rare tropical fruits are sure to awaken your senses and add a dash of adventure to your palate.

Let's dive into ten of the most intriguing unusual fruits you probably haven't tried yet – but absolutely should!

1. Kiwano (Horned Melon): The Alien Fruit

Imagine a fruit that looks like it's straight out of a sci-fi film. That's the Kiwano for you! Also known as the horned melon, this peculiar fruit hails from Southern Africa. With its bright orange, spiky exterior, it's sure to catch your eye at any exotic fruit market.

Slice it open, and you're in for another surprise – a vibrant green, jelly-like interior studded with edible seeds. The taste? It's a refreshing blend of cucumber, banana, and lime. Perfect for those hot summer days when you're craving something uniquely refreshing!

2. Mangosteen: The Queen of Fruits

Don't let its humble purple exterior fool you – the mangosteen is royalty in the fruit world. Crack open its thick rind, and you'll reveal snow-white segments that look almost too pretty to eat. Almost.

Pop a segment in your mouth, and you'll understand why it's called the queen of fruits. The taste is an exquisite harmony of sweet and tangy, reminiscent of lychee, peach, and strawberry all rolled into one. It's nature's perfect pudding!

3. Rambutan: The Hairy Lychee

If lychees had a punk rock cousin, it would be the rambutan. This Southeast Asian fruit looks like it's having a bad hair day, with its red skin covered in soft, hair-like spines. But don't let its wild appearance intimidate you!

Peel away the hairy exterior to reveal a translucent, grape-like flesh that's incredibly juicy and sweet. It's like a lychee, but with an extra hint of floral goodness. Warning: These are addictively delicious!

4. Jackfruit: The Gentle Giant

Meet the jackfruit – the largest tree-borne fruit in the world. This behemoth can weigh up to 55 kg! But don't worry, you can usually buy it in more manageable portions.

When ripe, jackfruit has a sweet, fruity flavour that's often compared to a mix of apple, banana, mango, and pineapple. But here's a cool fact: when it's young and unripe, it makes an excellent meat substitute due to its texture. Vegan pulled "pork", anyone?

5. Dragon Fruit (Pitaya): Beauty and the Feast

With its vibrant pink skin and green scales, the dragon fruit looks like it could be the pet of a fantasy creature. Cut it open, and you're greeted with either white or deep pink flesh speckled with tiny black seeds.

The flavour is surprisingly mild and subtly sweet, with a texture similar to kiwi fruit. It's not only delicious but also incredibly photogenic – get ready to up your Instagram game!

6. Cherimoya: Mark Twain's Favourite

Mark Twain called the cherimoya "the most delicious fruit known to man." With an endorsement like that, how can you resist trying it?

This heart-shaped fruit has a pale green, scale-patterned exterior. Inside, you'll find creamy white flesh dotted with large black seeds. The taste? Imagine a delightful fusion of banana, pineapple, papaya, and strawberry. It's like a tropical party in your mouth!

7. Salak (Snake Fruit): Don't Judge a Fruit by Its Skin

The salak, or snake fruit, might look a bit intimidating with its reddish-brown scaly skin. But peel away that snakeskin-like exterior, and you'll discover segments of translucent flesh inside.

Bite into it, and you're in for a surprise – it has a crisp texture like an apple, with a sweet and acidic taste. It's nature's way of teaching us not to judge a book (or a fruit) by its cover!

8. Buddha's Hand: The Fragrant Fingered Citrus

If fruits could do yoga, the Buddha's Hand would be in a permanent mudra pose. This peculiar citrus fruit looks like a lemon decided to grow fingers instead of staying round.

Unlike other citrus fruits, Buddha's Hand doesn't have any pulp or juice. Instead, it's prized for its intensely fragrant zest and pith, which isn't bitter like other citrus piths. Use it to infuse spirits, flavour desserts, or simply keep it around as a natural air freshener!

9. Monstera Deliciosa: The Fruit of Patience

You might know Monstera as a popular houseplant, but did you know it also produces edible fruit? The catch? It takes about a year to ripen, and it's toxic if eaten before it's fully ripe. Talk about playing hard to get!

When it's finally ready, the fruit tastes like a delightful blend of pineapple and banana. It's proof that good things come to those who wait – for a really long time!

10. Ackee: Jamaica's National Treasure

Last but not least, we have the ackee – Jamaica's national fruit. It looks a bit like a brain when it's open, with large black seeds surrounded by yellow flesh.

Here's the critical bit: ackee is toxic when unripe, so leave the harvesting and preparation to the experts. When properly prepared, it has a mild, creamy flavour often compared to scrambled eggs. It's a key ingredient in Jamaica's national dish, ackee and saltfish.

So there you have it – ten extraordinary fruits that prove Mother Nature has quite the imagination when it comes to flavour, texture, and appearance. Next time you're at a speciality grocer or travelling to tropical locales, keep an eye out for these rare and exotic fruits. Your taste buds will thank you for the adventure!

Remember, the world of fruits is vast and varied. These ten are just the beginning of your exotic fruit journey. So go forth, be brave, and let your palate explore the delicious diversity our planet has to offer. Who knows? You might just discover your new favourite fruit!

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